Sunday, March 25, 2007

If wishes were horses...

Can you believe that a whole week has gone by since spring break? A whole week. Where did it go? I still haven't finished my story about spring break either.
I'm coming to the realization that "good" blogging takes a lot of time. And I realize that these days I just don't have a lot of it. Or, I prioritize my time and "good" blogging gets shafted.
"Good" blog? Good - as in thoughtful, purposeful, interesting, and amusing thoughts being nicely melded into the perfect blog. Ya, that's not me. I'm more of the shorthand, straight-to-the-point kind of person. Is that what medicine is teaching me?

p.s. With a horrible week to look forward to, I'd so much rather be on a beach somewhere. Wouldn't it be nice? Soaking in the sun rays, splashing in the salty foam?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nance, forget "good blogging." just throw up some pictures or write a few lines. i mean if it gets really long then it should be good. but for the most part we just want a little peak into your life. i think it's silly to worry if our blogs are "good." You are good. And therefore news about you is good.