Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Welcome to Ardmore, OK

My car made it! I've started to get used to the wiggle in the steering wheel. Anyway, I'm here for Internal Medicine/Preventive Health. I think I am going to learn tons! I'm already seeing my own patients! Today I saw a patient whose temperature had peaked at 107.7 - WOW. That was yesterday. Now she's feeling fine, well relatively fine. :) It sure is lonely here away from y'all... but I'm fixing to bury myself in learning the books to forget the pain.


Unknown said...

what does it look like? we miss you here...

Katie said...

Wowza, you're the most self-disciplined person I know. Seriously. With the studying.

I have been attempting to study since 6:30 p.m. It's now 10:00 p.m. I even left the house. The internet is too much of a distraction. :)

Good luck with your studying!

Ben said...

Nancy Rexinger, I'm glad you made it safely. And I miss you here already. And if you had been here last night, I would've shared my Number 60 you (Shh...don't tell, I got some by myself!...which is totally against the rules.)

Learn lots and please don't be too lonely! Also, eat lots of pumpkin, it's good for you. And don't forget to wear clean socks and underwear. And do you remember the month I ate nothing but boxes of tangerines? So cheap and juicy!