Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day to Day

I know I haven't blogged for a while and I really feel like I should catch you up, but. I'm not going to. I'll just start here.

I didn't get out of bed until 130 this afternoon. It was beautiful. I've been working a lot these days, but I had this weekend off. I went to church where the Oklahoma Academy was giving a concert - choir, string quartet, and handbell choir.

Last night I played Risk for the first time ever. It was so addicting the four hours went by in no time.

Then came slaughter.

I had taken over all of Africa, South America and was in 1/2 of Europe, but in one fell swoop, I was dethroned. Not only dethroned, but comnpletely wiped out. Seriously? I was a threat! I was powerful! Then someone turned in their cards, got 45 men and slaughtered me. The game was much more boring then.

I paid bills online today. I feel so proud.

I'm watching my kitty dig the last few crumbs out of her bowl. She's getting fat. Not fat, but comfortably squishy. She is readjusting to her new feeding schdule quite nicely. You see, she used to have food ad lib - full bowl all the time. But then while I was gone to Ontario over christmas, she gailed about a pound or two, which is a lot for a little kitty. She now gets fed just a bit in am and some little bit more when I get home from work.

I've been on the phone with my mom. I have written this whole blog while I was on the phone just saying a few uh-huh's and oh's. Please don't tell her.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I love your last paragraph. It made me laugh. Probably because I can totally picture that happening, so I know what you mean. It was so good to talk to you last night, and since you were on speaker phone and I was lying on the couch, it felt like you were in the room with us, and that was nice. Also, I'm glad you slept in. I only slept till 11:30, so you definitely win. But you need more sleep catch up than I do, I reckon. Also glad you're blogging! Love you!