Sunday, February 24, 2008

best and worst purchase

My best purchase today.
I absolutely love snorkeling. Who knew there was a whole new world under there! Today I snorkeled all afternoon with a friend that I met on the flight over from Hawaii. I saw him in the parking lot, we went to K-mart, picked up some gear, and hit the beach. It worked out well! I totally have to get an underwater camera to share the joy. It's like a gigantic saltwater tank - beautiful fish everywhere you look!

On a sad note, look at the prices below. Everything is that way - it's kind of depressing.


Unknown said...

hmmm. i think you should go on a 5-week "cheap food" diet. and forget about your healthy greens. i'm glad you like snorkeling!

Unknown said...

you know where there's great snorkeling all the time? not oklahoma.